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What we do!

Collect Your Information:

  • Through a personalized questionnaire, we want to learn about who you are so that we can help find the right college program for you

  • We will collect physical data through advanced analytics so that college programs will have tangible information to make a better informed decision about recruiting you. 

Create an online presence:

  • We will put together a online 'Profile' at to enhance your recruiting process. 

Mentor you through the process:

  • We will go through with you and your family the step-by-step process of getting a college scholarship. You will also receive our EGuidebook on how to gain a college scholarship as an International Athlete. 

  • We will be there every step of the way to help consult with anything that may arise. From how to connect with college coaches, to respectfully asking how to gain greater financial aid and finally how to obtain your visa for travel. 

Want to learn more, Click Here to contact Built Baseball.

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